When dining in a Michelin star restaurant, or a luxury restaurant in Chania typically you have to attain a certain code of manners. This is the so-called savoir vivre, the code of the best tactics, not only when having a luxury dinner, but generally having a successful manner altogether. We will now focus on the manners and the etiquette on the dinner sector.
Gourmet cuisine Chania: Savoir vivre essentials.
First things first, when somebody is calling you as an invitation to a dinner, you may naturally assume that it is on them. However if someone proposes to attend a luxury dinner then you can split the total bill. If you are a woman and some man proposes to pay, then savoir vivre etiquette proposes that she gently aggrees.
Also, when attending a luxury restaurant it’s up for the moment. Nothing is more important than the dinner itself, so obviously phones, tablets and other handheld items have to be kept in your pockets at all times. You need to show that you are not strictly attached to devices, and especially when honouring someone’s dinner with your presence.
Another useful hint is that a man never carries a woman’s bag or purse. According to the international savoir vivre étiquette however a man can intentionally help a woman by helping her with her coat, or just transferring her overcoat into the restaurant’s garderobe.

Luxury Restaurant Chania : Keep a close eye on the details.
Savoir vivre mandates everything to be clean and in order. We are not talking only for personal hygiene, but also your assortments and accessories as well. The cleanliness of your shoes is also of paramount importance as it is amongst the first items one is looking at the first glance. Also, a fine detail is that men have to always bystand on the left side of the women, with a very small exception for military personnel that may do the military salute.

The savoir vivre no- go’s.
Continuing our article, there are certainly some things that are unacceptable in a fine dining experience. We will talk about privacy and respecting one’s space. So, it is forbidden to talk about one’s age, income, family matters, religion, health issues, relationship status. The exception to that rule is if someone starts these topics with free will, but still you may consider if you will continue onwards on that subject.
You have to keep a close eye also on your perfume. A nice smell is always welcome, however it is very easy to overdo it, leading to a bad experience from your co-diners. Keep in mind that if you can already smell your perfume, others can smell it a lot, lot more.
Moreover, we at Almyvita Luxury Restaurant in Chania, we heavily endorse not to obey the fashion trends. We believe that it is way better to look awesome on some “old fashioned” pair of suit or jacket, rather than overdoing it and look silly with trendy and “in fashion” clothes.
A bad manner is also considered to laugh and talk loudly. It is important to respect others personal space as well as you should avoid looking persistently at others eyesight.

Some other thoughts.
Lastly, as we are dining in an environment full of people, it is very likely to have an interaction with some other guests over the neighbouring table. Even if you don’t know them personally, when a person from your table is waving at them , you have to do it accordingly. According to savoir vivre etiquette you have to acknowledge their presence and respect the people you are co- dining with.
Finally, it is a good tactic to thank everyone attending your meal, even if you split the bill by half. Interaction with others doesn’t always rely on helping each other, but also when dining and having a good, quality interaction. A sincere thank you, in that occasion, may come a long way.
We welcome you to accept and establish all those good manners when dining in any restaurant. Our luxury restaurant in Chania, called Almyvita is obviously an ambassador of all the above rules of manners that can elevate your social interaction, and the way others may interpret you and your companionship.